friday 13th images pictures
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Make me 4 crypto related memes based on this character: "https://images-cdn.exchange.art/non_live_data/creator_data/AZcwI4LI46eRRnsuSPg6YO9FpTY2/brands/Tosstheturtle/avatar-357292a4-153e-48d5-8025-152afdcfea1b.false?optimize=low&auto=avifwebp" named toss the solana turtle off the sea. picture one, diamon hands related. picture two, buying $TOSS related. picture 3, toss with a WHALE that has crypto written on its chest. picture 4, toss figthing and beating a shadow monster called jeeter.

A catbat and a purple turtle with the name toss written on his military cap, the catbat is cooking over a roaring firepit in the middle of the woods, the catbat is dressed in a superhero costume kinda like batman, and toss the turtle is in military gear. they are both smiling to eachother. use these two pictures for references:_ 1# file:///C:/Users/Adrian/Desktop/nft.webp toss the turtle 2# file:///C:/Users/Adrian/Desktop/catbat.jpg