the word "RISE"
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African American, deep, rich, Fine 2-D water color Art very long bo-ho, box hair braids, with braid colors black with brown high lights, wearing an orange puffy sweater with the word: humility, black jeans, and black high heels, sitting on a stool, working on a laptop which the laptop screen says the word: tenacity

A medium-sized tattoo located on the side of the thigh, starting near the knee. The tattoo features a climber ascending a mountain or climbing wall. Each step the climber takes contains a single letter from the word 'Courage' (or 'Strength'). The letters should be integrated into the terrain, like being etched into rocks, wood, or the path itself. The design should convey a journey through obstacles, with the final step representing the completion of the word and the achievement of the goal.

"A medium-sized tattoo depicting a winding path full of obstacles, symbolizing resilience and perseverance. The path starts at the base of a compass, which represents a guiding force throughout the journey. Along the path, there are symbols of challenges like rocks, thorny vines, and steep climbs, but the path continues towards a distant point of light or success. Incorporate natural elements like trees or mountains to emphasize growth and overcoming adversity. The design should feel dynamic, showing movement and progression. Include the word 'Resilience' in an elegant script, integrated into the design, as a reminder of inner strength. Preferred placement options: upper arm, upper back, ribs, side of the leg, or thighs."

Lucario is a bipedal, canine-like Pokémon with predominantly blue and black fur. It possesses a short, round spike on the back of each forepaw, in addition to a third on its chest. It has red eyes, a long snout, and ears. When its mouth is open, two pairs of pointed teeth, one in the upper jaw and one in the lower, can be seen. It possesses cream-colored fur on its torso and blue fur on its thighs that resemble shorts. It has a medium-length tail of the same blue color as well. It stands on its toes rather than on its entire foot. It has developed four black appendages that hang down from its head, which rise when Lucario reads or manipulates aura, a special energy that it senses. Lucario can use its powers to create a staff in form a bone and use it to fight. Lucario can study auras to predict the movements of its opponents and track their quarry. With sufficient training, a Lucario can read auras to understand how living beings are feeling from more than half a mile (1 kilometer) away. However, it sometimes ends up learning information that it would not like to know, causing it to get stressed out easily. It also has the power to manipulate this energy in an offensive manner, in the form of explosive spheres of energy. Lucario can understand human speech and has been reported to communicate with humans through telepathy. Lucario is considered to be prideful and is extremely loyal to its Trainer. It also seems to have a natural sense of justice, as it only trusts Trainers with righteous hearts. It is an exceptionally rare Pokémon that usually lives deep in mountains very far from people to improve their skills. Lucario are primarily carnivores, hunting their prey in packs, though one Lucario was seen eating Berries and plants like roses. It has also been seen eating chocolate, even though chocolate is not part of its natural diet. As mentioned in the Sleep Style Dex, Lucario never lowers its guard, even when sleeping. It is believed Lucario's reading the aura of others similar to when it's awake.

A super realistic wallpaper of Spider Woman Gwen enjoying a sunny beach. The spider woman Gwen is sitting on a towel on the shore of the beach enjoying a beautiful landscape, with beautiful waves. She is wearing her pink and black suit, and in the sand the word for "spider" is written with the symbol of Spider Woman.

A president in his late thirties, hair with front spike, wearing a light formal attire, secretly known as the king of darkness, flying over his technologically advanced country and overlooking it, camera at his back, daytime, multiple high rise buildings, tallest most advanced building in the middle of the country